February 23, 2025

Category: News

The US Federal Reserve And European Union’s Central Banks Working Together In Face Of Dire Challenges

The two leading forces within the Western world have both pulled the reins even tighter with regards to financial legislation, in order to showcase the pathway for global economic growth. However, the realities of possible armed conflicts, questions over the legitimacy of fiat currency thanks to the strength of Cryptocurrencies and instability in governments remain […]

Cryptocurrencies Won’t Be Securities But ICO’s Are Getting The Boot

The fear in the markets has largely been around whether or not Cryptocurrencies will be deemed as financial securities by the board of the Securities and Exchanges Commission in the United States. This ruling could have changed the legislation for how Cryptocurrencies and the acquisition of them by everyday investors are handled forever. Therefore the […]

Bitcoin Wallets Soon To Operate At Hyper-Speed

Bitcoin has had a rough year so far, and the jury is out on whether or not it will recover towards the end of the year. Due to the lackluster performance of the Cryptocurrency thus far, many newbie investors and old dogs alike have shunned Bitcoin in favor of the many new Cryptocurrencies that have […]

Are Cryptocurrencies Causing The Swiss To Ditch Money?

Switzerland tends to be renowned for several things, the most famous of which include the snow-covered Alps, fabulous chocolate and money. Let’s just say that the stories of Swiss banks are so legendary that they have infiltrated a plethora of pop culture references and the minds of millions all over the world. However, on the […]

Is The Love Affair With Bitcoin Falling Away?

I’m fairly certain that one of the oldest break-up songs goes something along the lines of ‘why do all good things come to an end’ and it seems even the world of Cryptocurrencies is not immune to this phenomenon. Or is it just the way things work? Anyhow, Google has reported recently that the total […]

A Cryptocurrency Team May Be Dispatched

As Cryptocurrencies become more of an accepted factor within today’s economies, governmental agencies have to think up ways to incorporate them into society in a safe and effective manner. The state of New York has apparently come up with a new way to help and protect its citizens from any possible harmful effects or secondary […]

Bittrex – Token Exchange

BITTREX Exchange Review Many have dismissed Cryptocurrencies outright due to their lack of association with the already established financial institutions; however that fact is beginning to be assaulted with new information thanks to changing times. Bittrex, an American Cryptocurrency has done what previously was thought of, as unthinkable, well at least in America. This past […]

Even Microsoft Wants Blockchain

Blockchain holds this odd position within the world right now, at the one end of the spectrum it is the technology that has facilitated not only Cryptocurrencies but additional security and many other technological innovations but on the other end there is less support. The negative light on blockchain is based on some wondering if […]

Data Shows That The Return On ICO’s For Everyday Investors Is Sitting On 82%

It is a pretty much an understood fact that when it comes to the world of business, it’s the bottom line that counts, and based on new analysis those who have invested in Initial Coin Offerings or ICO’s all have very looking financial portfolios. The findings from research conducted by Boston College Carroll School of Management found that […]

Analysts Have Prophesied The Secure Price Setting Of Bitcoin

Stability tends to be something that most markets and frankly people crave, however it is more of an elusive goal at times, and Cryptocurrency markets certainly feel that way at times. But that doesn’t have to be the case necessarily. Major analysts within the financial securities industry and Cryptocurrency world have declared that they can […]
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