January 19, 2025

Tag Archives: Blockchain

Microsoft May Attempt To Reign Over BlockChain Too?

Anyone who has ever attempted to purchase a laptop or PC knows the overarching reach of Microsoft within today’s world; from operating systems right through to Office 365 and now educational software as well as cloud technologies. Microsoft truly is everywhere, with data centers cropping up anywhere with suitable land and so many businesses competing […]

Surge In Illegal Organizations Using Cryptocurrencies

The Cryptocurrency trading markets are currently grappling with a few final hurdles out of the long dip from the start of the year, multiple new start-ups in the Cryptocurrency industry have begun to sell their tokens online and the Blockchain technology has begun to be integrated in sectors far beyond finance. However, you can imagine […]

Ripple Throws Doubt On The Singular Global System Of Cryptocurrency Payments

Cryptocurrencies are having a big moment right now, and as many such people are seeking to capitalize on this moment in the sun, if they have not done so already. Thanks to this frenzy there are many innovative ideas and hopeful startups related to the big, wide world of Cryptocurrency that has been etched out […]

Bitcoin Wallets Soon To Operate At Hyper-Speed

Bitcoin has had a rough year so far, and the jury is out on whether or not it will recover towards the end of the year. Due to the lackluster performance of the Cryptocurrency thus far, many newbie investors and old dogs alike have shunned Bitcoin in favor of the many new Cryptocurrencies that have […]

Inpactor – “Powering Inpactor with Blockchain Using CSR Token”

There are so many investment opportunities that are found in the world of Blockchain, but Inpactor ICO is one of the most promising ones that serious investors should take a keen interest in. The Token Token: CSRm work token CSR Token Start Date: 19th May 2018 Token Type: ERC20 Price: 1 ETH Equals 2,286 CSRm […]

Blockchain Can Flip Kenya’s Farming Practices

Working within an informal economy is hard enough; now add into the mix factors such as the establishment of a long-term history of transactions to use for things such as the procurement of a loan, and you are certain to face a seemingly unappeasable mountain. This is true for many of the small farmers within […]

Iagon – We Revolutionize The Cloud

IAGON Ico Review IAGON is a company that introduces a new way of transforming the cloud computing system. IAGON has created a supercomputer that has international communication features, working with valid A.I that operates on a Blockchain technology. The Token Token: IAG Pre-Sale Start Date: 27th May 2018, 16.00 CEST Total Tokens for Sale: 200,000,000 […]

Tired Of ID Cards? Well, Blockchain Can Be The Answer

The idea of having Bitcoin or any Cryptocurrency for that matter come as part of a standard package on your brand-new smartphone, may seem foreign to you at the moment. However, Huawei has plans to roll out its very own Bitcoin wallet BTC.com as a standard offering in their Applications library. The Purpose Behind Adoption […]

Blockchain Is Verifying Your Details, So You’ll Be Gone But Not Forgotten

Blockchain technology has many detractors and supporters within today’s world and as the growth of blockchain technology continues to persist it will certainly gain many more proponents and opponents. However, an exciting new path has opened that gives not only consumers but organizations in all sizes complete peace of mind that their data has been […]

Blockchain Can Reduce Bitcoins Drain On The Power Grid

Many energy companies have been inspired by the possibilities that Blockchain technology may be able to produce for them and the world at large, as the contest to be the first to successfully incorporate Blockchain technologies into energy provision, it becomes clear that Blockchain is the way of the future for energy as a whole. […]
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