March 14, 2025

Tag Archives: NEWS

India’s Reserve Bank Is Creating The National Cryptocurrency, The Lakshmi

In January 2017, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) released an internal circular that leaked to the press. This circular revealed that plans are underway for the Indian Rupee to be digitized to a national Cryptocurrency, the Lakshmi Coin. This is because the Blockchain technology has “matured enough” for the RBI to trust the integrity of […]

CNBC Predicts Bitcoin ETF To Be Allowed In 2019

One of the major goals of the cryptocurrency industry as a whole, for 2018 that is, has been to have a Bitcoin ETF or Exchange Traded Fund formally approved by the US S.E.C. or Securities and Exchange Commission. So far two applications that have been submitted by the Winklevoss brother’s on behalf of Gemini have […]

Cryptocurrency To Guide Itself

The ability for cryptocurrencies and their companies to receive effective legislation, that serves not only the general public and private investors need to protect themselves from risk but also the states need for these companies to be safe and viable. In addition, all of this legislation also needs to be non-restrictive to the innovative engines […]

UEFA Rolls Out Tickets For Madrid Derby Using Blockchain

Blockchain technology has a multitude of scenarios that can be used in and adapted for, the trick is firstly knowing where to use it and secondly, to be willing to try. Currently, the world is slowly but surely experimenting with various use cases for blockchain technology within a diverse range of sectors including logistics and […]

South Korea Find Crypto To Be Exceeding Expectations

Crypto currencies have been receiving a large amount of spotlight within the financial world and the political arenas as of late thanks in part to the growing interest of consumers and businesses to partner with crypto payments. The demand is growing exponentially, but even as demand grows, questions of the future grow at the same […]

Technology Is The Secret To Helping U.S. Healthcare Out?

It is no secret to anyone who has browsed through the documentary section of Netflix recently that the U.S. Healthcare system is in trouble, documentaries are pouring out decrying the many negative activities happening within the corridors of doctors halls. Many are choosing to jump ship from traditional healthcare to alternative medical offerings, with varying […]

Coinbase Applies For Patent

The world is in a continuous state of change, this demands not only all global citizens to be on the constant alert for innovation but for them to make it their priority. Many organizations have taken this motto to heart, working tirelessly to produce more and better ways of doing things. The cryptocurrency industry was […]

VeChain Price Looking Up

Positive things tend to have positive side effects or so it is hoped, well in the case of cryptocurrencies this is turning out to be the case. As the general notion of an alternative to fiat currency is purveyed within the media and thereby gradually gains ground within the general populace, positive ramifications have begun […]

Wall Street Readying For Cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies are being integrated into financial institutions throughout the world. Many countries are attempting to think of ways to incorporate cryptocurrencies as an alternative method of payment within the delivery of public services or as a way to go cashless within the private sector. Still there are many questions around cryptocurrencies when it comes to […]

India To Use Cryptocurrencies As A Method Of Payment

Switzerland was initially leading the way with the integration of cryptocurrencies into mainstream economic transactions, however they are having serious competition with this. As it is Malta and Gibraltar as well as others are desperately snatching up as many prospective crypto start-ups and well established crypto organizations as possible. However, they may soon have competition […]
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