March 9, 2025

Month: June 2018

CYBIT – Feel The Power of Crowdfunding!

CYBIT Ico Review CyBit is an innovative project that aims to give new business owners the opportunity to be able to source the financial capital needed to power their new businesses through the decentralized backing of investors from around the world. CyBit aims to remove many of the barriers currently presented to budding entrepreneurs, particularly […]

Path Of Cryptocurrencies – Where Are They Headed?

There has been a lot of criticism thrown at Cryptocurrencies original prototype, it seems that everyone has something to say about the former leader of the Crypto market. But has it lost its way, or are Cryptocurrencies merely entering a new phase, are they in the process of growth and we have to get used […]

Vanig – The World’s First Integrated e-Commerce And Supply Chain Ecosystem

VANIG Ico Review Vanig is an online platform that will provide a final destination for all online merchants globally, the hub will utilize the power of Blockchain technology in order to tackle problems such as the inability to accurately track a parcel for both user and corporation or knowing which corporate is offering real or […]

The Rise Of Crypto ‘Pump And Dump’ Scams

Cryptocurrency is still in a place where within the general public many views it as a scam or illegitimate form of investment, and those are still kind ways of saying those terms. However, much has been done and is being done to remove this perennial image from the minds of people when it comes to […]

LSK Doesn’t Catch A Break In Spite Of Imminent Launch Of Testnet

Sometimes no matter how hard you plan, things simply don’t go as you would like them to go, however that is no reason for you not to try anyway. Unfortunately, for the token LSK or rather Lisk, things simply went rather badly for them, and it seems that there is no end in sight for […]

Microsoft May Attempt To Reign Over BlockChain Too?

Anyone who has ever attempted to purchase a laptop or PC knows the overarching reach of Microsoft within today’s world; from operating systems right through to Office 365 and now educational software as well as cloud technologies. Microsoft truly is everywhere, with data centers cropping up anywhere with suitable land and so many businesses competing […]

BTC Breaks Out Over Two Months’ Low

Bitcoin has been in a pretty bad place over the past few months, so many had been looking forward to this great resurgence after the early woes of the opening months of 2018. So many people had been vying to be the one to accurately predict the breakout of Bitcoin but yet to no avail, […]

Surge In Illegal Organizations Using Cryptocurrencies

The Cryptocurrency trading markets are currently grappling with a few final hurdles out of the long dip from the start of the year, multiple new start-ups in the Cryptocurrency industry have begun to sell their tokens online and the Blockchain technology has begun to be integrated in sectors far beyond finance. However, you can imagine […]

Reviews Of Major Cryptocurrencies Trading Performances

The Cryptocurrency trading market has taken a bit of a beating as of late, however, it seems that things are finally starting to look a bit calmer as if a sort of a status quo might be emerging out of the constant chaos. The typical state of high-intensity changes that characterized the market for Bitcoin […]

Swiss Report That Bitcoin Is Not Feasible

Cryptocurrencies are being phased slowly into mainstream life, with more and more companies establishing themselves with product offerings rooted within the world of blockchain and ICO’s. However, there are solid criticisms against the flow of Cryptocurrencies and the ultimate demise of fiat currencies, and it seems that in Switzerland one of the most pro Cryptocurrency […]
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