March 10, 2025

Day: May 22, 2018

One Of The First Security Crypto Exchanges Will Be Launched And Is Fully Regulated

One of the main deterrents to Cryptocurrencies being accessible to the masses is the fact that many exchanges and Cryptocurrencies exist outside the realms of legislation and governmental authority. Let’s just say that the power of the law tends to put the vast majority of people’s minds at ease, particularly when it comes to things […]

HashCard – Revolutionising HOW You Use Credit & Debit Cards

HashCard is a new platform that seeks to transform how both debit and credit cards are used. Even though the company has a radical discourse, their main idea is to ensure that the virtual currency market is entirely revolutionized. HashCard is used to change Cryptocurrency into fiat currency within a very short duration, enabling users […]

Bitlumens – Decentralized Renewable Energy Systems using BLS

BITLUMENS Ico Review Getting to Know Bitlumens There is no better word that can describe Internet of things than what Bitlumens does. This is a Blockchain firm that was created for the purposes of availing water and solar power to rural regions and those that are far off. The main technology that the company uses […]