March 14, 2025

Tag Archives: NEWS

One Of The First Security Crypto Exchanges Will Be Launched And Is Fully Regulated

One of the main deterrents to Cryptocurrencies being accessible to the masses is the fact that many exchanges and Cryptocurrencies exist outside the realms of legislation and governmental authority. Let’s just say that the power of the law tends to put the vast majority of people’s minds at ease, particularly when it comes to things […]

Litecoin Is On A High

In 2018 a company’s social media presence cannot be underestimated, and if there is a Cryptocurrency brand that seems to understand this, then Litecoin should definitely be bagging a prize. Recently, there has been quite a lot of talk surrounding Litecoin and all of the news surrounding it, most notably how much of the speculation […]

Blockchain Can Flip Kenya’s Farming Practices

Working within an informal economy is hard enough; now add into the mix factors such as the establishment of a long-term history of transactions to use for things such as the procurement of a loan, and you are certain to face a seemingly unappeasable mountain. This is true for many of the small farmers within […]

Bitcoin Price Climbs Up To $8 300

Well, if one thing is for certain it’s that Cryptocurrencies never have a dull day, Bitcoin is one of the digital currencies that seem to epitomize the expression ‘ahead of the curve’. As we report, yet again, that Bitcoin has had another good day in a seeming full run of positive innings; it almost seems […]

Exchange For Cryptocurrency-Based Securities Launched In Tel Aviv

The Floor is the Fintech source within Tel Aviv, Israel and one can imagine that when one of the most profitable and highly popularized businesses announces that they are partnering to produce a new securities Cryptocurrency platform the world will be talking. The Floor is working with Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, Accenture, Hyperledger, and Intel, […]

BTC Price In The Green And Florida Citizens Can Use BTC For Tax

Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies seem to have rebounded from their seemingly never-ending shortfall, and acceptance seems to be fast on the rise. Today in trading Bitcoin had one serious bull market, right out of the opening gates Bitcoin managed to rack up from $8 700 to $8 800. Yet, towards the end of the day […]

Prices Are Going To Jump, xRapid Is On The Rise

Within the world of Cryptocurrencies, stable is a word that can almost be characterized as laughable. Recently, with the exponential rise of xRapid software, it seems that things are going to become even hotter in the kitchen, despite the proponents of XRP stating that the code isn’t a part of the digital currencies success. The […]

Tired Of ID Cards? Well, Blockchain Can Be The Answer

The idea of having Bitcoin or any Cryptocurrency for that matter come as part of a standard package on your brand-new smartphone, may seem foreign to you at the moment. However, Huawei has plans to roll out its very own Bitcoin wallet as a standard offering in their Applications library. The Purpose Behind Adoption […]

Blockchain Is Verifying Your Details, So You’ll Be Gone But Not Forgotten

Blockchain technology has many detractors and supporters within today’s world and as the growth of blockchain technology continues to persist it will certainly gain many more proponents and opponents. However, an exciting new path has opened that gives not only consumers but organizations in all sizes complete peace of mind that their data has been […]

Cryptocurrency Price Index Set To Be Made Official By Billionaire Bull Novogratz

If you’re wondering today has made history, well at least in the world of Cryptocurrency that is, if you’re wondering why that is, well one of the unlikeliest things that could ever have happened occurred today. What was this unfathomable thing? Well, one of the leading crypto exchanges partnered with a billionaire to make up […]
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