March 14, 2025

Tag Archives: NEWS

NextPakk – Built For Last-Mile Delivery

NEXTPAKK Ico Review NextPakk is the future solution to global package deliveries across platforms that customers did not even know they needed. NextPakk will enable consumers to arrange for a deliveryman to drop off goods at their place of residence within one hour from notifying the NextPakk platform thus ensuring that the client will still […]

Switzerland’s Stock Markets Want To Include Cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies and Crypto-startups all over the world are attempting to gain a foot in the established sector of financial instruments and it seems that Switzerland is one of many countries in the world eager to be the stepping stone for them. SIX Group is the holding company of main formal stock market within Switzerland, has […]

Binance Wants A Bank

Several countries are in the process of experimenting with Cryptocurrencies as an alternative to fiat currencies, and one country in particular, Malta, has passed brand new laws hoping to garner more Cryptocurrency investment to the region. These three bills were pushed forward by the Maltese authorities in order to attract some of the bigger players […]

Bitcoin Imposters Caught In Court

As Cryptocurrencies continually gain more traction within the media and the general populace, they have also continued to gain a rather undesirable momentum amongst the criminal organizations within society. Illegal groups seem to realize the opportunities that Cryptocurrencies advance not just for transferring vast sums of money around the world effortlessly, but also for making […]

Stressing Over Safety Of Crypto Exchanges Causes Trading Prices To Drop

It seems that cryptocurrencies all over the world have joined hands and plunged into an unexpected but rather intense plummet, with no bottom in sight. The recent turn of the markets must be an unwanted episode straight out of a nightmare for many Crypto-investors irrespective of what currency they are in, but before we begin […]

The Latest Predictions For Bitcoin Are Positively Gloomy

Of all the Cryptocurrencies out there it is safe to say that Bitcoin definitely tends to get hit the hardest. Of course, all of the beatings Bitcoin receives tends to ripple out towards the rest of the market. But still, the fact that for the vast majority of this year, the Cryptocurrency that was the […]

Bitcoin Fallen Out Of Favor With China

Cryptocurrencies are not a welcome topic within much of mainstream life throughout the world, although that is starting to change, and there are some countries that have outright banned Cryptocurrency trading. China is one such example where the government declared the trading of any form of Cryptocurrencies to be illegal. Hence leading to a recent […]

Latest News In Cryptoworld As Bitcoin Drops After Doom And Gloom Report

The ups and downs of the Cryptocurrency market have become quite a spectacular affair as of late, with just about everyone and their dog wanting to pitch into the commentary. However, while this obviously has the benefit of spreading the word to the general populace about Cryptocurrencies, and as the saying goes, ‘there is no […]

Over $750,000,000 Has Been Stolen From Exchanges In 2018

Unfortunately, as something becomes bigger and attracts people to the potential of a product to do good and the product begins to gain traction within the market, the product – in this case, Cryptocurrencies – also gains the undesired attention of illegal groups. This is probably the easiest way to explain how a sum greater […]

SEC Handout Ruling On Underhanded Blockchain Share Trades

What comes around goes around, or so they say, regardless of what you might personally think of the myriad old saying that has to do with karma, it is apparent that someone was playing with the wheel of Fortune. Why, well because someone’s luck has just run out, yes we are feeling pretty cheesy today. […]
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